Capital Gain Explore
What is Capital Gain Tax?
The capital gains tax (CGT) is a federal fee you pay on the profit made from selling certain types of assets. These include stock investments or real estate property. A capital gain is calculated as the total sale price minus the original cost of an asset.
Besides real estate property, Capital gains tax (CGT) applies to investments in shares in a company, units in a managed fund or other unit trust, and similar products.
In most cases, long-term investment is entitled to gain more tax concession however short-term stock trade occurred high frequently from 2020 especially we are experiencing a special moment in this era.
Capital gains tax can be planned for your portfolio. It is important that you come to us BEFORE you deal with your assets. Try to meet our experts, they can assist you to catch the right time to earn more and pay less tax.
Personal Tax
We look after you and your family with sophisticate Tax experts and direct you to understand Tax Law system and family benefits.
More InfoCapital Gain Explore
Besides real estate property, Capital gains tax (CGT) applies to investments in shares in a company, units in a managed fund or other unit trust, and similar products.
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